Annual Report 2014

Sponsorship and co-hosting
of conferences and workshops


The International Conference on Ocean Energy is the global marine energy event focused on the industrial development of renewable marine energy. 

Held every two years, the goal of the conference is to share recent experiences from research and demonstration efforts. Some OES delegates are part of the steering committee of the conference.

All papers and conference material from previous conferences are available on a dedicated website managed and hosted by the OES:

The 2014 ICOE was held in Halifax, Canada, hosted by Marine Renewables Canada in partnership with the Government of Nova Scotia, the Government of Canada, The Nova Scotia Offshore Energy Research Association and the New Brunswick Department of Economic Development. During 2014, the OES was much involved in the organization of the programme of this conference.

The OES Chairman organized a session entitled “Showing the world - update on flagship projects”, and the OES Secretary moderated a session about international collaboration, which included presentations from 4 member countries (USA, UK, Ireland and China) and an overview from the OES Chairman about the role of OES supporting the development of ocean energy.







The OES was also the organizer of a “poster award”, a cash prize to 3 students selected by an international jury, composed by members of the OES. This award on behalf of the OES is intended to identify an early career individual expected to continue to make significant contributions in making industrial ocean energy a reality.



Poster session winners ICOE 2014 sponsored by the OES



This workshop was organised within the framework of the OECD project on the future of the ocean economy. It was held at the IEA headquarters, on 15 May 2014, co-hosted by the Ocean Energy Systems Implementing Agreement and the OECD. The OECD project “The Future of the Ocean Economy: Exploring the prospects for emerging ocean industries to 2030” aims to conduct a global forward-looking assessment of the ocean economy to 2030, with special emphasis on the potential development of emerging ocean-based activities. 


The objective of the workshop was to explore the contribution that ocean energy and offshore wind can make to the growth of ocean economy and its potential for employment and wealth generation. Particular attention was devoted to the risks and uncertainties surrounding the future development of marine renewable energy, the innovations required in science and technology, investment needs, synergies with other sectors, contribution to green growth, environmental and regulatoryimplicationsand the policy options most suited to boost their long-term prospects while managing the ocean in responsible and sustainable ways.

More information about the OECD study is available at:


OES was the sponsor of the 1st International Seminar on Marine Energies (SIEMAR) that took place on 26 and 27 November, in Mar del Plata, Argentina. The Seminar was organised by Unidad Académica de Mar del Plata, Secretaría de Relacionales Internacionales del Rectorado de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (International Relations Secretary of the National Technological University) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation).

OES was presented by its Chairman, José Luis Villate, who participated also in the opening session together with Dr. Mentaberry (Executive Coordinator of the Scientific Cabinet of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Argentina Government).



INORE (International Network on Offshore Renewable Energy)
INORE is a network for postgraduate researchers working with issues related to offshore renewable energy: wave, tidal and offshore wind energy. INORE brings together researchers from around the world to meet, collaborate and share knowledge.

The OES Executive Committee encourages this network and provides an annual sponsorship approved each year, particularly to develop membership in new regions, including Asia and the Pacific. In 2014, the following activities were sponsored by the OES:

  • Annual Symposium in Spain: Award of a travel grant of €500 to a Colombian student from the University of Antioquia (School of Engineering) to attend the symposium, aiming to set up new transcontinental collaborations.
  • INORE@AWTEC 2014: OES sponsored with €1500 the 1st INORE workshop at AWTEC in Tokyo, in July 2014, to encourage early-stage researchers in Asia to join INORE.
  • OES-ICIS Scholarships: OES continues to sponsor the “International Collaborative Incentive Scholarships”, the ICIS scheme, whereby pairs or groups from at least two different countries are awarded a small bursary to fund (usually travel) expenses that will allow a piece of work to be carried out at one of the group member’s organisation. In 2014, the OES supported one ICIS grant for a collaborative team: Danny Sale (University of Washington) and Yifan Dong (Shangai Jiaotong University) awarded € 2000 to work together on developing a methodology to support design of full scale marine current turbines.
  • INORE New Website: OES funded with €1500 the crowdfunding campaign set up by INORE to develop a new website.