Installations at EMEC:
Installations at other test sites:
- WaveHub: Seatricity completed deployment of its 0.16 MW Oceanus2 device in September 2014.
- Falmouth Bay Test Site (FaBTest): The Fred Olsen Lifesaver device until June 2014.
Non Test Centre-based In-Sea Device Test:
- Tidal Energy Limited (TEL), 0.4 MW DeltaStream device unveiled soon to be installed in the Ramsey Sound, Wales.
- Siemens/MCT, 1.2 MW SeaGen device – Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, since 2008.
- Minesto, Deep Green 0.50 MW device in the Strangford Lough.
Pre-commercial demonstration array projects being planned are:
Tidal Stream Schemes:
- The World’s first Tidal Array Scheme, MeyGen Limited, 7 MW tidal array project in the Pentland Firth in Scotland. This is the first phased of a planned 380 MW project.
- Pending a 12-month trial of the DeltaStream device in the Ramsey Sound, TEL will join forces with majority shareholder Eco2 to install up to nine DeltaStream machines off St Davids Head in Pembrokeshire to create a 10 MW commercial array.
Wave Schemes (at Wavehub):
- Seatricity Limited, Oceanus2 device, 10 MW wave array planned for deployment around 2015.
- Carnegie Wave Energy Limited, CETO device, 10 MW wave array planned for deployment in 2016.
- Forum, testing of wave devices to deploy a 10 MW array scheme in the future.
Tidal Range schemes:
- The Swansea Bay Lagoon: In January 2014 the Planning Inspectorate accepted for examination a privately funded 320 MW tidal lagoon project in Swansea Bay by Tidal Lagoon Power (TLP). The Examination of the application closed on 10 December 2014.
Demonstration Facility:
- Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre: Plans are underway for the development of a 30 MW pre-consented commercial tidal array demonstration facility in the Isle of Wight. It is anticipated that the facility will be fully operational around 2017/18.